Turning Your Marketing Ideas into Video

"Owl Eye is much more than a crew with cameras. They helped plan out our product video campaign and took care of all the details that go with an intense shoot of five videos and dozens of product shots - all in a day.”

- Michael Brosgart, C.O.O.

The Ask

When our client AVD set out to launch their exciting new line of products, they knew they needed video to bring these products to life.

What they came to Owl Eye for was the execution of that video content. How long should the videos be? How many shoot days would be needed? And could it all be accomplished on time and on budget?

Keeping the needs and input of AVD front and center, Owl Eye set the wheels in motion; driving the process forward and getting creative with how to make it all happen.

The Result

In total, Owl Eye created 5 videos for AVD using a combination of:

  • A single day of filming

  • Motion graphics animation

  • And even repurposing existing marketing assets, such as product and lifestyle photography

How did we shoot 5 videos in one day? By knowing the story AVD needed to tell and knowing exactly what the videos would look like before shooting a single frame.

Next, we got creative by taking existing photography and making them move, a more dynamic way of using still photography within video.

As a result, AVD saw their marketing ideas come to life in 5 high-quality product videos; on time and on budget.

We know you’ve got great marketing ideas. That’s your expertise. And our expertise is video.

So why not let us turn those ideas into video for you today?

- A & K

To see AVD’s videos, visit any of the product pages on AVD.com


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